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Application of the FOX-8STC temperature, humidity, CO2 controller in cold storage control

Application of the FOX-8STC temperature, humidity, CO2 controller in cold storage control

Preservation of food and agricultural products plays an extremely important role, with cold storage being an essential part of maintaining their quality and extending their shelf life. To achieve high efficiency, the temperature and humidity control system in cold storage needs to operate tightly and accurately, with the FOX-8STC sensor being a modern tool suitable for this need.

The current state of temperature, humidity, and CO2 control

Growing demand: The food industry is witnessing an increasing demand for the use of cold storage. Companies need to ensure optimal storage conditions for their products to prevent spoilage and loss.
Food safety standards: Food safety regulations are becoming more stringent, requiring cold storage facilities to meet high standards for temperature and humidity.
Energy saving: Efficient use of energy is a crucial factor in reducing operational costs and protecting the environment.


Features and configuration of the FOX-8STC sensor

- Temperature and humidity measurement: The FOX-8STC can measure temperatures ranging from -20°C to 65°C with an accuracy of ±0.1°C, and humidity from 0% to 100% with an accuracy of ±0.1%.
- CO2 Control: The equipment also has the capability to measure and control CO2 levels from 0 to 5000 ppm to maintain fresh air.
- Relay output: The FOX-8STC provides relay output to control related equipment such as chillers, heaters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and fans.
- Data collection and storage: The equipment can collect and store data and has communication connectivity, making it easy for users to monitor and manage the system.

Cold Storage Control Solution with FOX-8STC Controller

- Automatic control system: Using automatic temperature and humidity controllers helps maintain a stable environment in cold storage, minimizing the need for manual intervention.
- Remote monitoring: IoT technology allows for remote monitoring and control of cold storage, enabling managers to track and adjust the system anytime, anywhere.

- Collect real-time data and manage parameters via control panel with vivid visual charts.


Application of Conotec sensors in cold storage management

- Collect data in real time.

- Manage parameters and operational status with a control panel in the form of visually dynamic charts.

- Display parameters via Panel PC, HMI, Web Server,…
